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One Household One Tree Project

We’re thrilled to share the progress of our “One Household One Tree” project in Nigeria’s semi-arid and Guinea savannah zones! With the establishment of two community-based nurseries in Pika and Igbor, we’re on a mission to combat climate change and promote sustainable land management practices.
Our Mission: To establish two community-based economic and native tree nurseries in Benue state.
Our Objective: Plant and nurture 2,000 Oil palm, 3,000 locust beans, and 2,000 bitter kola seedlings in Pika and Igbor communities by 2023.
Thanks to the dedication of 236 community members, including women and youth, we’ve conducted training sessions on soil and seed preparation techniques!
Together, we’re equipping caretakers and community members with essential skills in tree seedling propagation and nurturing.
The active involvement of local farmers, women’s groups, and youth associations has been pivotal! Communities are enthusiastically participating in tree planting events, contributing to the successful establishment of green areas and the restoration of degraded lands.
Our aim is to inspire a mindset shift towards active environmental stewardship, empowering people to embrace sustainable practices and climate action.
Together, we nurture a green and sustainable future for all!

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