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POSITION: Program Officer-Community Mobilization

CATEGORY: Voluntary/Internship

LOCATION: Remote with possible travels within Benue, Niger, Cross River States(Nigeria)


  • Support the planning and implementation of community based program activities.
  • Community Engagement: Actively engage with local communities to raise awareness about environmental issues, sustainability practices, and the importance of conservation efforts.
  • Mobilization and Advocacy: Mobilize community members to participate in environmental initiatives, such as tree planting campaigns, waste management projects, and conservation activities. Advocate for sustainable practices and policies at the local level.
  • Capacity Building: Facilitate training sessions and workshops to build the capacity of community members in environmental conservation, sustainable agriculture, and natural resource management. Provide technical assistance and support to community groups and stakeholders.


  • The candidate must have at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Social/Science background.
  • Community Engagement Expertise: The candidate should possess strong community engagement skills. This includes the ability to build relationships with diverse community stakeholders, understand local dynamics, and mobilize community members towards environmental initiatives. Experience in conducting community needs assessments, facilitating community meetings, and implementing outreach strategies is crucial.
  • Project Management Skills: The candidate should demonstrate proficiency in project management to effectively coordinate community mobilization efforts. This entails the ability to develop and implement project plans, monitor progress, allocate resources efficiently, and ensure timely delivery of program objectives. Experience in managing budgets, timelines, and logistics related to community-based projects is highly desirable.
  • Environmental Awareness and Advocacy: A strong understanding of environmental issues, climate change dynamics, Climate Smart Agriculture and a passion for Climate actions, advocacy and sustainability are essential for this role.
  • The candidate should be knowledgeable about environmental conservation practices, climate change mitigation, resilience, and adaptation strategies, and relevant policies.
  • The candidate should poses the ability to advocate for environmental protection within communities, raise awareness about environmental challenges, and promote behavior change towards sustainable practices is integral to the position.


POSITION: Program Officer- Food Security
CATEGORY: Voluntary/Internship
LOCATION: Remote with possible travels within Benue, Niger, Cross River States(Nigeria)

  • Program Planning and Implementation
    -Develop comprehensive plans and strategies for addressing food security issues within the target communities, taking into account local contexts, resources, and challenges
    -Coordinate and oversee the implementation of food security programs and projects, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and objectives.
    -Collaborate with other team members to integrate food security initiatives with broader environmental conservation and sustainability efforts.
  • Community Engagement and Capacity Building
    -Engage with local communities to assess their food security needs, priorities, and challenges, ensuring that programs are responsive to community contexts and preferences.
    -Facilitate community workshops, trainings, and awareness campaigns on topics such as Climate Smart and sustainable agriculture, nutrition, food preservation, and income generation.
    -Build the capacity of community members, farmers, and local organizations to adopt resilient agricultural practices, improve crop yields, and enhance food production and distribution systems.


  • The Candidate must have a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Agric, Agronomy, Crop protection, Food Science and technology, Agro-Forestry and/or any related field.
  • Food Security Expertise: The Candidate should possess in-depth knowledge and experience in food security issues. This includes understanding the root causes of food insecurity, familiarity with Best Agricultural Practices, knowledge of food distribution systems, and awareness of policies and programs aimed at addressing food security challenges. Candidates should have a background in nutrition, agriculture, or related fields, along with practical experience in implementing food security interventions.
  • Community Engagement and Partnership Building: Strong community engagement and partnership-building skills are essential for this role. The candidate should be adept at working with diverse communities, building relationships with local stakeholders, and mobilizing community support for food security initiatives.
  • The candidate should have the ability to collaborate with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other relevant partners to leverage resources and expertise is crucial for effective program implementation.
  • Program Management and Monitoring: The Program Officer should demonstrate proficiency in program management and monitoring to ensure the successful implementation of food security initiatives. This includes developing and implementing project plans, managing budgets and resources, monitoring progress against targets, and evaluating program impact. Candidates should have experience in designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation frameworks to track program outcomes and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

POSITION: Program Officer-Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
CATEGORY: Voluntary/Internship
LOCATION: Remote with possible travels within Benue, Niger, Cross River States(Nigeria)

  • Program Development and Implementation
    - Lead the development of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction (DRR) programs and projects, in alignment with organizational goals and priorities.
    - Design and implement interventions aimed at building community resilience to climate change impacts and reducing vulnerability to natural disasters.
    - Identify and leverage opportunities for integrating climate change adaptation and DRR measures into existing environmental conservation and sustainability initiatives.
  • Capacity Building and Training
    - Conduct capacity assessments to identify the needs and gaps in knowledge, skills, and resources related to climate change adaptation and DRR within target communities.
    - Develop and deliver training programs, workshops, and awareness campaigns to build the capacity of local stakeholders, including community members, government agencies, and civil society organizations.
    - Provide technical assistance and support to communities in implementing climate-smart practices, early warning systems, and disaster preparedness plans.
  • Advocacy and Policy Engagement
    - Advocate for policy reforms and institutional changes that promote climate resilience and DRR at local, national, and international levels.
    - Engage with government authorities, policymakers, and relevant stakeholders to raise awareness about the importance of climate change adaptation and DRR, and to advocate for the inclusion of these issues in development planning and decision-making processes.
    - Strengthen partnerships and collaborations with other organizations, networks, and platforms working on climate change and DRR, to amplify collective efforts and influence policy agendas.


  • Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge: The candidate should possess a strong understanding of climate change science, its impacts on communities and ecosystems, and strategies for mitigating and adapting to these changes. This includes knowledge of climate resilience measures, disaster risk reduction strategies, and sustainable development practices.
  • Candidates should be familiar with relevant international agreements, policies, and frameworks related to climate change and disaster risk management.
  • Project Design and Implementation Skills: Strong project design and implementation skills are essential for this role. The candidate should be able to develop comprehensive project proposals, including clear objectives, activities, timelines, and budgets, aligned with the organization's mission and goals. They should have experience in coordinating and managing multi-stakeholder projects, ensuring effective collaboration and communication among team members and partners.
  • The candidate must poses the ability to monitor project progress, identify risks, and adapt strategies as needed to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Community Engagement and Capacity Building: Effective community engagement and capacity-building skills are integral to the success of climate change and disaster risk reduction initiatives. The Program Officer should be skilled in engaging with diverse communities, building trust, and facilitating participatory decision-making processes. They should have experience in conducting community needs assessments, identifying vulnerabilities, and developing tailored interventions to strengthen community resilience. Including the ability to provide training and technical assistance to community members, local organizations, and government agencies to build their capacity in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction is essential.

POSITION: Program Officer- Social Economic Development
CATEGORY: Voluntary/Internship
LOCATION: Remote with possible travels within Benue, Niger, Cross River States(Nigeria)

  • Community Engagement and Empowerment
    -Develop and implement community engagement strategies to foster inclusive participation and ownership of social economic development initiatives.
    -Facilitate community consultations, focus group discussions, and participatory planning processes to identify priorities, needs, and aspirations of target communities.
    -Empower community members through capacity-building workshops, skill development training, and entrepreneurship programs aimed at enhancing livelihood opportunities and economic resilience.
  • Livelihood Enhancement and Income Generation
    -Design and implement livelihood enhancement projects that promote sustainable income-generating activities, value chain development, and market linkages for marginalized communities.
    -Provide technical assistance and support to community-based enterprises, cooperatives, and smallholder farmers to improve productivity, access to finance, and business management skills.
    -Foster innovation and entrepreneurship by promoting green and inclusive business models that contribute to environmental sustainability while addressing socio-economic challenges.


  • Social Innovation and Economic Development Expertise: The Program Officer should possess expertise in social and economic development principles and practices. This includes a deep understanding of factors influencing community well-being, such as poverty alleviation, livelihood improvement, and social equity. Candidates should have knowledge of economic development strategies, including entrepreneurship development, microfinance, vocational training, and job creation initiatives. Familiarity with social impact assessment methodologies and tools is beneficial for evaluating the effectiveness of development interventions.
  • Project Management and Stakeholder Engagement Skills: Strong project management and stakeholder engagement skills are essential for this role. The candidate should be able to develop and implement projects and program ideas aimed at promoting social, innovations and economic development in communities, including setting clear objectives, designing appropriate interventions, and managing project resources and timelines. Effective stakeholder engagement including building relationships with community members, local authorities, non-profit organizations, and other relevant stakeholders to ensure collaboration, support, and sustainability of development initiatives. The Program Officer should also possess excellent communication and negotiation skills to facilitate partnerships and mobilize resources for project implementation..

POSITION: Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning (MEAL)-Officer
CATEGORY: Voluntary/Internship
LOCATION: Remote with possible travels within Benue, Niger, Cross River States(Nigeria)

  • Design and Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems
    - Develop and implement comprehensive monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks, systems, and tools to track progress, measure outcomes, and assess the impact of environmental conservation, climate smart agriculture and community development projects.
    - Design data collection methodologies, including baseline surveys, mid-term reviews, and endline evaluations, ensuring the collection of relevant and reliable data to inform decision-making and learning.
    - Train project staff and partners on M&E procedures, data collection techniques, and reporting requirements, promoting a culture of evidence-based decision-making and accountability.
  • Data Analysis and Reporting
    - Collect, compile, and analyze quantitative and qualitative data using appropriate statistical methods and software tools, such as SPSS, Excel, or NVivo, Power BI, DEDOOSE etc, to generate insights and actionable recommendations.
    - Prepare timely and accurate reports, dashboards, and presentations on project performance, progress towards targets, and achievement of outcomes, for internal stakeholders, donors, and partners.
    - Ensure the quality and integrity of data through regular data verification, validation, and cleaning processes, maintaining databases and documentation systems for easy access and retrieval.
  • Learning and Knowledge Management
    - Facilitate learning events, workshops, and reflection sessions to promote organizational learning, knowledge sharing, and continuous improvement across projects and programs.
    - Document best practices, lessons learned, and case studies from project implementation, synthesizing and disseminating findings to inform program design, replication, and scaling.
    - Engage with project stakeholders, beneficiaries, and partners in participatory feedback mechanisms, ensuring their voices are heard and incorporated into project planning, implementation, and evaluation processes.


  • Monitoring and Evaluation Expertise: The MEAL Officer should have a strong background in monitoring and evaluation methodologies and tools. This includes experience in designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation frameworks, conducting baseline studies, developing indicators, and collecting and analyzing data to assess project outcomes and impact. Candidates should be proficient in quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and participatory techniques. Additionally, familiarity with data management software and tools for visualization and reporting is beneficial for effectively communicating findings to stakeholders.
  • Accountability and Transparency: The MEAL Officer should prioritize accountability and transparency in all aspects of project implementation. This includes ensuring that project activities are conducted in accordance with organizational policies and procedures, and that stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the project lifecycle. Candidates should have experience in promoting accountability mechanisms, such as feedback and grievance redress mechanisms, to address concerns and ensure responsiveness to stakeholder needs. Additionally, the ability to promote transparency through timely and accurate reporting of project progress and outcomes is essential for building trust and credibility with stakeholders.
  • Learning and Knowledge Management: The MEAL Officer should facilitate a culture of learning and knowledge sharing within the organization. This involves documenting and disseminating lessons learned, best practices, and innovations from project implementation to inform decision-making and improve program effectiveness. Candidates should have experience in facilitating learning events, workshops, and training sessions to build capacity among staff and partners in monitoring, evaluation, and learning. Additionally, the ability to establish knowledge management systems and platforms for storing, organizing, and accessing project data and information is crucial for institutional memory and continuity of learning across projects.
  • The candidate should have good Communication and Collaboration skills: Effective communication and collaboration skills are required for the MEAL Officer to work effectively with internal and external stakeholders. This includes the ability to communicate complex monitoring and evaluation concepts and findings in a clear and accessible manner to diverse audiences. Candidates should be skilled in building relationships and fostering collaboration with project/organization staff, partners, donors, and beneficiaries to ensure alignment of monitoring and evaluation efforts with project objectives and stakeholder needs. Additionally, the ability to work collaboratively across teams and departments within the organization to integrate monitoring and evaluation findings into program planning and decision-making processes is important for maximizing impact and accountability.

POSITION: Reporting and Communications Officer
CATEGORY: Voluntary/Internship
LOCATION: Remote with possible travels within Benue, Niger, Cross River States(Nigeria)

  • Report Compilation and Dissemination: The Reporting and Communications Officer at Greenvest Environmental Initiative is responsible for compiling comprehensive reports on the organization's activities, achievements, and impact. This involves gathering data and information from various sources, including project managers, field staff, and partners, and synthesizing it into clear and concise reports. The officer ensures that reports are accurate, timely, and aligned with organizational objectives and donor requirements. Additionally, they oversee the dissemination of reports to internal and external stakeholders, including donors, partners, government agencies, and the public, through various channels such as email, newsletters, social media, and the organization's website.
  • Communication Strategy Development Reporting and Communications Officer is to develop and implement communication strategies to enhance the organization's visibility, reputation, and impact. This involves identifying target audiences, crafting key messages, and selecting appropriate communication channels to reach them effectively.
    The officer collaborates with program Officers and other staff to highlight project achievements, success stories, and lessons learned through various communication materials such as press releases, articles, blogs, and social media posts. Additionally, they may organize events, workshops, and campaigns to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote the organization's mission and activities. Overall, the Reporting and Communications Officer plays a crucial role in ensuring that the organization's work is effectively communicated to stakeholders and the wider public, contributing to its overall success and sustainability.


  • Exceptional Writing Skills: Ability to craft clear, compelling, and accurate reports, articles, and communications materials.
  • Proficiency in Multimedia Communication: Capability to utilize various communication channels, including social media, newsletters, and websites, to disseminate information effectively.
    Attention to Detail: Ensure accuracy and consistency in all communications, adhering to organizational branding and messaging guidelines.

POSITION: Agric- Extension Officer
CATEGORY: Voluntary/Internship
LOCATION: Remote with possible travels within Benue, Niger, Cross River States(Nigeria)

  • Farmers' Training and Support: The Agric-Extension Officer will support GREENVEST Programs and provide training and support to farmers, disseminating agricultural best practices, techniques, and technologies to improve productivity and sustainability.
  • Community Outreach and Engagement: Will facilitate community outreach and engagement activities to promote agricultural development, foster partnerships, and empower local farming communities.


  • The candidate must have a Bachelors Agric Degree in Agricultural Extension and Management or strongly related fields.
  • Agricultural Expertise: An Agric Extension Officer at Greenvest Environmental Initiative should possess a strong background in agriculture, including knowledge of crop production, livestock management, and sustainable farming practices.
  • Communication Skills: Excellent communication skills to effectively convey agricultural knowledge and practices to farmers, facilitate community engagement, and build strong relationships with stakeholders.

How to Apply:

Applicants should read and understand clearly the Role specific document, fill the Biodata form, submit their CVs and Cover letter in a PDF format. The subject of the Email and Cover letter must state clearly the Position they are applying for.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this call for vacancies application by Greenvest Environmental Initiative is for FORMAL purposes only. Greenvest reserves the right to modify or withdraw vacancies without prior notice. Submission of an application does not guarantee employment. All decisions regarding hiring are at Greenvest's discretion.

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